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I suspect for the most part Engineering will remain a male bastion. Just as pure wild speculation, wouldn't driving men out likely accelerate the impending college bubble collapse ?It is quite possible this will spell the end of credation as a credible indicator of high value marriage material. Women go where the guys are. If men, especially desirable men, cease going to college women will start looking elsewhere. How much longer before college student is seen as a DLV in men?Yeah, the gal's relentless long years in the lab, and fanatical singleminded pursuit for the cure for cancer or whatever is a sure thing. Just ask Elizabeth Holmes of Theranus. And what percentage of the males who are left are or otherwise ineligible as mates?Foreign, etc. Educational collapse may come much sooner than I'd hoped. Elizabeth Holmes says some blindingly stupid shit that people on LinkedIn eat up because she's a LinkedIn influencer and wears black turtlenecks. I am now encouraging the younger people I know to avoid college if they're not pursuing a degree that leads directly to a license or certification. One girl I know who just graduated is interested in game design, and I'm telling her she should self study C++, Unreal, and Unity and get some successful, real world game design experience even if it's unpaid.

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Maybe they've recently assigned it to another author. Maybe they have an article on that topic coming in an issue which is already in production but not printed. There are many different reasons for rejection which are out of your control as a writer. Sometimes even out of rejection comes an assignment. Several years ago, I had queried a number of magazines about writing on listening to the Bible on tape. I targeted the January issues of publications for this short how to article. Every magazine rejected it. Several weeks later, I received a phone call from a new editor at Christian Life magazine. They too had rejected the idea earlier. "We're sorting through some old queries," she explained. "Would you be able to write 500 words on the topic in the next three weeks?" No problem.

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