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The candidates shall be subject to public scrutiny and citizen challenge. The commissions shall be directed by one of the representatives of the citizenry, who shall have the tie breaking vote, and its sessions shall be open to the public. Article 210. In those cases of selection of an authority by competitive and merit based examination, the Council for Public Participation and Social Control shall choose the one who obtains the highest score in the respective examination and shall report this to the National Assembly for the respective swearing in office. When dealing with the selection of senior management committees directing State entities, the Council shall designate the standing members and alternates, by priority, from among those who obtain the highest scores in the examination. The alternates shall replace the standing members whenever relevant, in compliance with the order of their qualification and designation. Those who are holding office shall not be able to submit their candidacies for public competitive and merit based examinations called to designate their substitutes. Conditions of equity and parity between women and men, as well equality of conditions, shall be guaranteed for the participation of Ecuadorians living abroad. Article 211. The Office of the Comptroller General is a technical body in charge of monitoring use of State resources and achieving the goals of State institutions and private law legal entities that dispose of government resources. Article 212.

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If anyone should understand the value of a brand and the need to market it effectively, it should be Donald Trump. The Brand USA program, which was part of the Travel Promotion Act of 2010, is a public/private partnership that boosts international travel by improving the image of the U. S. around the world. Every dollar of Brand USA marketing has generated $28 in visitor spending, In 2016, the program generated $4. 1 billion in visitor spending, according to theBrandUSA. com site. Defunding of Brand USA is a really bad idea, said Kevin Jacobs, chief financial officer of Hilton Worldwide Holdings HLT. A year ago, Mr. Jacobs was a Trump advocate, saying he thought it would be good for the sector if a hotelier was in the White House. Today, he has concerns.

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While Sephardic Jews are known for Ladino, a mix of Spanish and Hebrew, Ashkenazi Jews are known for their language, Yiddish, which goes back to the 10th or 11th century in the Rhineland. It spread to central and Eastern Europe, and then to America and anywhere Ashkenazi Jews have settled. Besides Hebrew and German, Yiddish also borrows words from both Russian and Polish. Yiddish is written in Hebrew letters. The English language has absorbed dozens of Hebrew and Yiddish words into the English language. For example, shlep carry something burdensome, shalom peace/hello, and shnook a dolt.

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